Here at the ACPT Network, we pride ourselves on real community. Not just any community but a community where everyone is seen, heard & valued! No matter where you are on your journey as an aspiring or qualified physiotherapist, we want you to feel supported . We also strive to ensure unity and authenticity in networking with all professionals…Therefore we ‘ve created numerous spaces online & physically (soon)for you to be a part of the team because we believe that there is strength in numbers & n o one should feel alone on their journey to professional growth & development! #StrongerTogether

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Join our virtual Whatsapp group to network with other African & Caribbean physio’s across the UK!

& be first to get involved in lots of opportunities!

 M E M B E R S H I P

To get the full experience and support from the network why not sign up and become a member?!

We have unique types of memberships for everyone, to ensure that your needs are met at any stage of your journey to becoming a physiotherapist!


This membership is exclusively for secondary school, higher-education and apprenticeship level student physiotherapists, aged 16+ years old.


Exclusively for all physiotherapy assistants interested in professional development and transitioning to physiotherapy practice


For all HCPC Registered Physiotherapists within the UK


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